Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Mac's Rule

Those of you who know me know that I have been a Linux geek for years, and have always stayed away from Microsoft and Macintosh computers for industrial grade applications. That has all changed in the last year.

With Apple moving first to a Unix based undercarriage and then the adopting the Intel platform I thought it was time to give Mac a try. I bought a Mac Mini to test the waters. I was very impressed with its ease of operation, stability, and overall good look and feel of the hardware and software.

After 3 months I was hooked. I abandoned my big high end Dell and was using my Mini for all of my work. The only downside was the graphics card did not have enough memory to play Second Life at a level that made the game fun.

So my next purchase was an 20 inch iMac with 2 gig of RAM and 250 meg of VRAM. All I can say is it is sweet. It plays Second Life like a dream, is stable, and fun to use. I have not found one work of research related task that I could not perform on the Mac. I do have Parrelles with a copy of XP loaded and ready in case I do need a Windows app for some reason but I have not needed to use it for any major tasks.

I now own a MacBook Pro which has replaced my 2 year old HP laptop as my primary carry around computer. The poor HP has been moved to the kitchen for TV viewing via Slingbox.

I have been in the IT business for over 26 years and I never in my wildest dreams would have thought I would be using a Mac at home but I am totally sold on them. I plan on selling my big Dell box and moving all of my systems to the Mac platform. I can highly recommend the new Mac for all users no matter what their computing needs.

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